Tuesday, 12 February 2013

We aim to answer the following questions on our eco-column.

·        Do you have an annotated diagram of your ecosystem (eco column)
·        What is your reasoning for coming up with this design
·        Collection of materials-what have you put in and why?
·        Is it self-sustaining
·        What a biotic factors will affect the ecosystem
·        What data will you collect in term of a biotic factors
·        Where are you placing your eco-column in the class
·        Maybe have a checklist on the above when assessing your blog.
·        Use a 0-5 scale
·        Do you need to get in and out of your ecosystem and why?
Here is a very good drawing of how our eco-column should be laid out.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Did some research and found that to stop water building up in your decomposition zone (which seems to be the main problem) you must build it so that the filter end of the bottle is as close as possible to the soil in the decomposition zone. if it is low, the water will only rise to the end of the ottle lid and no further which stops water building up and keeps it in the first zone. 

Friday, 8 February 2013

Found a very nice link with some fantastic designs for Eco-columns and other bottle garden's and experiments.
Here is the link: Bottle biology